Wilshire Center/Koreatown Carbon Master Plan
As part of the Cool District program, CRA/LA is funding the development of the District’s Carbon Master Plan. The plan is a way to articulate a low carbon vision for the District. The vision and plan is to transform the District into a thriving sustainable residential and business community. Building energy efficiency, renewable energy and district heating and cooling are part of the master plan. The Carbon Master Plan will also address water use, water and solid waste management, open space and gardening, bicycle sharing, and public transportation. Envision the year 2030, where buildings are retrofitted to include roof-top gardens and solar panels, one-way tertiary streets with bike paths and permeable pavement, and rain planters along primary streets to supplement the stormwater infrastructure. The plan shown here is just the start of the visioning discussion that will take place throughout this year.
The next community meeting on the development of the Carbon Master Plan will be in February 2011at the WC/K CRA CAC meeting, .6:00p.m. Location: CRA/LA Wilshire Office, 3055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1120, Los Angeles, CA 90010, PARKING entrance is located on Westmoreland Avenue (between Wilshire & 6th Street) - CRA will provide parking validation.
Please fill out the Carbon Master Plan questionnaire, English, Korean, Spanish and fax it back to us at 213-386-5853, thank you.
Influencing Low-Carbon Districts (ppt)
Bike Sharing Plan: Another part of the Cool District program is the bike sharing study that was completed by the students at SCI-Arc incorporating public surveys, field surveys, and case studies to evaluate the possibility of implementing bike sharing stations in conjunction with three subway stations, educational institutions and key commercial outlets. Among the goals for implementing such a system is to allow Angelenos to be less dependent on automobiles as their primary mode of transportation, thus reducing vehicular congestion and air pollution levels in the District.
Use the links below to view the USC Watershed reports.
Watershed District Report (pdf)
Watershed District Report (gif)
Watershed Districts Report Appendix (pdf)
Watershed Districts Report Appendix (gif)
Wilshire Blue Report (pdf)
Urban Oases Report (pdf)
Central Park Report (pdf)
Best Practices:
- Time Bank concept is a community of people living and working in an area who support each other by an exchange of services
- Transition Los Angeles is a group of local grassroots citizens who are
preparing our communities for a positive outcome through the sweeping
changes coming with global warming and peak oil.
- Post Carbon Future Plans: ForestRow and City of San Buenaventura
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